Voice Recognition
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Student Evaluations

Student Evaluations

Students are evaluated on the objectives stated in the Courses of Study for the Diocese of Cleveland and the Ohio Department of Education Standards and incorporated into the teacher’s plans for instruction. Some areas considered in evaluation include but are not limited to:
  • Teacher observation
  • Directed activities
  • Quizzes and tests
  • Student participation and engagement in class discussions and activities
  • Experiments
  • Projects
  • Oral and written reports
  • Home and class oral assignments and written work


Promotion and retention decisions will be determined on an individual basis. If a student is being considered for retention, the parents will be notified prior to any decision. By the end of the first semester, parents are made aware of continuing educational concerns that may indicate the possibility of retention. Retention may be considered for the following reasons:

  • Failure in three or more major subjects i.e., reading, mathematics, English, science and social studies. A student fails an individual subject if he/she receives an average grade of
  • “F” in that subject for the school year.
  • Failure to master fundamental reading skills in the primary grades
  • Failure to show the readiness necessary for the next grade
  • Social immaturity
  • Excessive absence

NOTE: Retention is subject to the final approval of the Principal. Consistent with the Ohio Revised Code, the right to assign students to a particular grade level is the responsibility of the Principal. The right to retain a student is dependent on the school’s judgment and therefore, parental permission is not required. Acceleration of a student shall be advised if all other avenues of meeting the student’s needs have been exhausted. Acceleration must have the approval of the teachers involved, the Principal, the parents and the student.


Students will be placed on Academic Probation when they receive two failing grades, three or more D’s or any combination of these grades. A student receiving such grades is placed on Academic Probation for one quarter. During this quarter, it will be the responsibility of the student and the parents to monitor progress in those subject areas where grades are below average. If, at the end of the quarter, the student has improved and no longer has two failing grades or three subject areas below average, he/she will automatically be removed from Academic Probation. Academic Probation is a serious matter. Failure to improve a grade could possibly lead to a failure that must be made up in summer school. Students who continually fail to show improvement may be asked to transfer from Notre Dame Elementary School.


Students failing a major subject must attend summer school or be privately tutored. Summer school courses are offered by the students’ local public school district. Tutoring is available through Notre Dame Skills Lab. Individual tutoring also meets the requirement of attending summer school. Proof of attendance and a report of progress must be sent to the school in August.


Final report cards are mailed home in June. All financial obligations must be met (tuition, Aladdin, Extended Day, library fees, etc.) before the final report cards are sent home.


Standardized testing provides a systematic way of assessing student mastery of basic skills. The following standardized tests are given:

  • MAP
  • Grades 3, 5 and 7: Writing Proficiency Test
  • Grades 5 and 8: ACRE Religion Test


The State of Ohio Auxiliary Services Program provides the following services for Notre Dame Elementary School: school nurse, psychologist, speech-language pathologist, intervention specialist.

  • Either the parents or the teacher may request these services. The parent request for services must be written and sent to the Principal or to the classroom teacher.
  • Parents must sign a parental consent form before a child may receive services other than from the school nurse.