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PlusPortal Pointers

PlusPortal Pointers

Stay connected and up to date with your children's classes and academic progress with PlusPortals

PlusPortals is a powerful, user-friendly system that gives parents, students, and educators easy access to information about academic progress, attendance, and more.

Here are just a few of the key benefits of PlusPortals:
  • Parents and students can now download free mobile device apps for ParentPlus and StudentPlus, the two portals for accessing NDES and NDMS's student information system. These apps literally put grades, assignments, attendance records and other school information at your fingertips.
  • The ParentPlus and StudentPlus apps are available from the Apple App Store and Google Play. Kindle versions are in the works. Just download the app to your phone. To establish connection, you must first login through a web browser. Wait 24 hours and the app will be accessible on your phone. Type in NDES to access Notre Dame Elementary School and then your username and password to access student information.
  • PlusPortal is accessible through NDES and NDMS’ website www.ndes.org and clicking at the top ND Schools PlusPortals
  •  Parents can view all of their children enrolled at NDCL, NDMS and NDES through just one convenient log-in.
  •  Parents and students can easily view upcoming assignments and assessments. They'll also be able to access attachments and web resources for specific classes and school resources such as the weekly news and notes, lunch menu, sign-ups, and event information. 
  • Student in grades 5-8 will be given login ID’s to access assignments and class resources through a safe and secure online portal.
  • Parents can access an online directory of other parents' contact information. By default, parents’ information is visible, with the option to "opt out" and hide, or show some of their information to the school community.
  • The in app email function allows for easy communication between parents and teachers.

PlusPortals Support

Sue Luck
Information Systems Assistant
Susan Ancheta
Director of Student Information Systems