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Grade 2

Grade 2


Second grade is a Sacramental year as the children prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Although students receive Reconciliation and First Holy Communion at their parish, NDES reinforces and augments sacramental teachings through daily religion classes using the Christ the Life textbook series along with Jesus and Bread Day hands-on activities.


Foundation in math continues to strengthen as second graders build on basic math foundation skills with rigorous new material. Topics of study include addition and subtraction with 2-3 digit numbers, regrouping, place values, properties of operations. Bridges Math curriculum coupled with math manipulatives, math story problems, collaboration with peers, iPad apps, and songs reinforce basic math skills and promote critical thinking.


Reading and writing skills acquired in recent years continue to strengthen with continued practice and application utilizing the Phonics in Motion learning activites. Differentiated learning assist each child’s individual literacy needs through guided reading groups. Students continue to build their vocabulary through varied literary works, spelling exercises and journal writing. Students practice their writing mechanics using Simple Solutions Common Core Grammar Mechanics. During the year students are introduced to cursive handwriting  after they have mastered manuscript upper and lower case letters using the Zaner-Bloser handwriting workbook.


Exploring the environment through outside classroom experiences various, experiments and field trips reinforce Science Fusion learning activities and resources.  The inquiry-based exploration curriculum examines habitats of animals, atmospheric changes, and changes in motion. 

Social Studies

Students explore Ohio communities and the rights and responsibilities of good citizens.  Through hands-on activities, text materials and field trips, student learn the how to participate as members of a global community.